2025 Events
Aug 4 - 9, 2025 Fudan Conference on Mathematical Logic
July 21 - Aug 1. 2025 Fudan Logic Summer School.
2024 Events
December 20. YANG, Yang 杨阳. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
November 9. $\Delta_{22}$ Logic Workshop.
November 8. JIANG, Lehuai 姜乐怀. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
Professor Theodore A. Slaman will visit Fudan University from November 4 to 16, 2024. Talk. Workshop.
October 25. Jan Dobrowolski. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
October 18. SONG, Shuhao 宋书浩. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
September 20. FANG, Nan 方楠. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
September 6. JU, Daheng 鞠大恒. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
August 12 - 13. 2024 Annual Conference of Philosophy of Mathematics in China.
August 5 - Aug 16. 2024 Fudan Logic Summer School.
July 5. Krzysztof Krupiński. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
June 7. Daisuke IKEGAMI 池上 大祐. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
June 7. Liping TANG 唐丽萍. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
May 14. Thomas Scanlon. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
April 30. Bokai YAO 姚博凯 and Pierre-Louis Curien. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
April 26 - 28, 2024 Fudan Conference on Logic and Metaphysics
April 24 and 26. Jason CHEN 陈泽晟. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
April 23. Baptiste Mélès. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
April 2. Yuan LI 李元. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
Past activities
2023 Events
December 19. Shuwen Wu 邬舒雯 and Jianan Zhou 周佳楠. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
Professor Ehud Hrushovski will visit Fudan University from November 20 - 22, 2023. Event.
November 7. Daheng Ju 鞠大恒 and Jianan Zhou 周佳楠. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
From October 21 to the end of the semester. Student seminar on topos theory 2.
September 26. Zhiqing Zhang 张芷青. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
September 12. Zhe Tang 唐哲. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
Aug 14 - 16, 2023 Fudan Conference on Mathematical Logic
Aug 9. Chieu-Minh Tran and Yifan Jing #Fudan Logic Seminar#
Jul 31 - Aug 11. 2023 Fudan Logic Summer School.
May 26. Jialiang He 何家亮. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
May 19. Zhiqing Zhang 张芷青. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
May 12. Jin Wei 魏晋. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
April 21. Yuqiao Guo 郭予峤. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
From March 16 to the end of the semester. Student seminar on topos theory.
2022 Events
December 14. Yu Wei 魏宇. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
November 29. Wei Li 李伟. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
October 18. Mark van Atten. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
September 14. Haosui Duanmu 端木昊随. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
Spet 3 - 4. 2022 Annual Conference of Philosophy of Mathematics in China.
Jul 4 - 8, Jul 18 - 22. 2022 Fudan Logic Summer School (Online).
July 3. Zhixing You 游志兴. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
2021 Events
December 23. Guangyin Ma 马广胤. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
December 2. Xiaojun Kang 康孝军. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
November 30. Su Gao 高速. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
November 10. Ming Xiao 肖鸣. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
November 6 - 7. 2021年全国数学哲学学术研讨会. Tencent meeting ID: 748 990 379, Password: 202111.
October 30. $\Delta_{16}$ Workshop will be held at Sichuan University.
From October 26 to the end of the semester. Student seminar on category theory.
October 21. Yanjing Wang 王彦晶. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
Aug 21 - 24, 2021 Fudan Model Theory and Philosophy of Mathematics Conference (Online)
Jun 21 - 25, Jul 26 - 30, and Aug 2 - 6. 2021 Fudan Logic Summer School (Online).
May 11, 18, 25. Zhaokuan Hao 郝兆宽. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
May 10 - 28. Logic Workshop in Nanjing with $\Delta_{15}$ Workshop on May 18.
May 6. Changjie Chen 陈昌捷. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
April 10. $\Delta_{14}$ Workshop will be held at Wuhan University.
March 11. Liang Yu 喻良. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
March 9. Jiaqi Bao 包佳齐. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
2020 Events
December 29. Zhen Liu 刘桢. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
December 15. Jinyue Wu 吴近悦. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
November 29. Lu Liu 刘路. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
November 6. Yinhe Peng 彭银河. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
October 27. Jingkai Yang 杨京楷. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
Oct 21 - Nov 25. Fudan Model Theory Mini Course 2020.
October 16. Huimin Dong 董惠敏. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
September 29. Yijia Chen 陈翌佳. #Fudan Logic Seminar#.
August 10 - 21. 2020 Fudan Logic Summer School (Online).
May 13 & 14. Fudan Trifft Hamburg 3 Workshop in Logic, Hamburg, Germany. Postponed due to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.
Jan 11. $\Delta_{12}$ Workshop will be held at Beijing Jiaotong University.
2019 Events
December 15. Wei Wang 王玮. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
December 3. Jingkai Yang 杨京楷 and Ziting Zhang 张子婷. #Fudan Logic Student Seminar#
November 15. Yue Yang 杨跃. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
October 13. Lu Liu 刘路. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
September 27. Liang Yu 喻良. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
August 5 - 16. 2019 Fudan Logic Summer School.
May 18, 19. Model Theory Workshop in Shanghai.
May 13 - May 17. Model Theory Mini Course by Anand Pillay: On pseudofinite structures.
May 15. Jinhe Ye 叶谨赫. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
May 10. Yong Liu 刘勇. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
April 18. $\Delta_{11}$ Workshop will be held at Nanjing University.
April 12. Cheng Peng 彭程. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
March 8. Junhua Yu 俞珺华. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
January 11 and 14. Will Johnson. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
2018 Events
December 22. The $\Delta_{10}$ Workshop will be held at Nankai University.
November 9. Anjing Qu 曲安京. 传统的力量——为什么会有数学危机. Poster.
November 2. Jiachen Yuan 袁嘉辰. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
Professor W. Hugh Woodin will visit Fudan University from Oct 14 to Oct 21, 2018. Events.
September 28. Ningyuan Yao 姚宁远. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
September 14. Huiling Zhu 朱慧灵. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
September 8. The $\Delta_9$ Workshop will be held at Peking University.
August 20 - 31. 2018 Fudan Logic Summer School.
June 8. Yun Fan 范赟. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
May 18. Renling Jin 金人麟. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
May 11-13. 2018 Chinese Mathematical Logic Conference will be held at Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, Guizhou.
May 4. Zachiri McKenzie. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
April 25. Ruizhi Yang 杨睿之. #Fudan Logic Seminar#
April 6. Guozhen Shen 申国桢. #Fudan Logic Seminar#. HGW2403. Slides
March 24. The $\Delta_8$ Workshop will be held at Sun Yat-sen University.
2017 Events
May 27. The Model Theory Workshop @ Shanghai 2017 will be held at Fudan University. Program (updated on May 23)
March 11. The $\Delta_6$ Workshop will be held at Sun Yat-sen University. Website
2016 Events
December 21. Dr Jan Dobrowolski will give a talk on Polish Structures. Hours: 16:00. Location: West Guanghua Tower 2403. Poster
December 17. The Fifth Delta Logic Workshop will be held at Jiangsu University. Website
December 16. Professor Difei Xu will give a talk on "Neo-Fregean Ontology". Hours: 13:30-15:00. Location: West Guanghua Tower 2403. Poster
October 25. Dr. Keita Yokoyama will give a talk on "Reverse mathematics, proof-theoretic strength and program termination". Hours: 14:00-16:00. Location: West Guanghua Tower 2403. Poster Slides
October 22. The Fourth Delta Logic Workshop will be held at Nanjing University. Website
Sept 21. Dr. Zhu Huiling will give a talk on Forcing Axioms. Hours: 14:30-16:30. Location: West Guanghua Tower 2403.
Jun 8. Dr. Yi Wang will give a talk on the models of knowledge updating. Poster Slides
May 21-22, 2016 Chinese mathematical logic conference (2016全国数理逻辑研讨会) will be held at Fudan University. Website Poster Program
April 22. Prof. Beishui Liao will give a talk on nonmonotonic logic and formal argument. Poster
March 26. The Third Delta Logic Workshop will be held at Beijing Normal University. Website
2015 Events
December 12-13, 2015 philosophy of mathematics colloquium and the second phenomenology and philosophy of mathematics colloquium (2015年数学哲学学术讨论会暨第二届现象学与数学哲学研讨会) will be held at Fudan University. Website Program
December 5. The Second Delta Logic Workshop will be held at Fudan University. Webpage Poster.
November 10. Dr. Sen Yang from Inner Mongolia University will give a talk on "Weak extender models of set theory" Poster.
October 20 and 21. Dr. Liuzhen Wu from Chinese academy of science will give two talks Poster.
October 10. The First Delta Logic Workshop will be held at Nanjing University. Website
September 4 and 5. Dr. Sen Yang from Inner Mongolia University will give two talks Poster.
May 8. Professor Zhaokuan Hao will give a talk titled The conflict on the conception of logic and the contemporary foundation of mathematics, and professor Feng Ye from Capital Normal University will give a critical comment. Poster.
April 17. Dr. Ningyuan Yao from Sun Yat-Sen University will give a talk titled Model Theory: From Truth to Stability.
2013 Events
Professor Zhaokuan Hao and Ruizhi Yang will attend 2013 Philosophy of Mathematics and Culture of Mathematics Conference hosted by Peking University from October 26 to 27 and contribute talks.
October 16. Professor Zhaokuan Hao: On complexity of non-measurable sets. Link. Slides.
Ruizhi Yang will contribute a talk on "nonabsoluteness of mathematical truth" during the 13th Asian Logic Conference. This is a joint work with Professor Joel D. Hamkins. Slides.
June 11 - June 22. Professor Joel D. Hamkins has visited Fudan. Events.
June 15. 2013 Workshop on Metamathematics and Metaphysics
April 24. Mark Steiner (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Getting more out of mathematics than we put in. Poster.
2012 Events
December 12. Brent Cody: Strong axioms of infinity and the continuum function. Slides. Poster.
December 4. Brent Cody: What are strong axioms of infinity and why are they useful in mathematics? Slides. Poster.
March 20. Ruizhi Yang: How does philosohpy impact on mathematcs? Slides. Poster.