Student Seminar on Topos Theory 2023
Organized by Jianan Zhou (周佳楠)
We meet in HGX203 at 18:30 every Thursday from March 16 to the end of the semester.
The goal of the seminar is to develop some basic understandings of topos theory. We hope to cover most of the subjects from Sheaves in Geometry and Logic and maybe more.
- March 16: The Category of Sets. Handout.
- March 23: Functors, Variable Sets, and the Yoneda Lemma. Handout.
- March 30 and April 6: Equivalence of Categories, Limit and Colimit. Handout.
- April 13: Universal Property and Adjunctions. Handout.
- April 20: Cartesian Closed Category and Simply Typed \(λ\)-Calculus. Handout.
- April 27: Heyting Algebra and Subobject Classifier. Handout.
- May 11: Presheaf Topos. Handout. Co-end Calculus.
- May 18: Sheaf on a Topological Space. Handout.